
Aktuelles (Vorträge auf Einladung)

Arnoldner C
Round Table: Cranial Nerve monitoring
8th Quadrennial Conference on Vestibular Schwannoma and other CPA tumors, June 19-21, 2019, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

Arnoldner C
First results of simultaneous Acoustic Neuroma Resection and Cochlear Implantation
8th Quadrennial Conference on Vestibular Schwannoma and other CPA tumors, June 19-21, 2019, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

Arnoldner C
Round table: Vestibularisschwannom: Postoperative Hörrehabilitation
ADANO Herbsttagung, Heidelberg, Oktober 18-19, 2018

Arnoldner C, Dahm V
Simultaneous Acoustic Neuroma Resection and Cochlear Implantation: The Role of E-ABR
HEARRING meeting Vienna, Sept. 28-29, 2018

Arnoldner C, Dahm V
Intratympanale Cortisontherapie – Translationale Forschung zwischen Labor und Klinik
Österr. HNO Kongress Bregenz, Oktober 10-13, 2018

Arnoldner C
Round table: Vestibularisschwannom aus HNO Sicht
Österr. HNO Kongress Bregenz, Oktober 10-13, 2018

Arnoldner C, Dahm V
Round table: Simultane Vestibularisschwannom Exstirpation und Cochlea Implantation
Österr. HNO Kongress Bregenz, Oktober 10-13, 2018

Arnoldner C, Dahm V
Round table: Simultaneous Acoustic Neuroma Resection and Cochlear Implantation: The Role of E-ABR
15th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and other implantable Auditory Technology, Antwerp, Belgium, June 27-30 2018

Arnoldner C
Surgery of the External Auditory Canal
American Austrian Foundation, Weil Cornell Seminar Temporal Bone Surgery, Salzburg, July 16-21, 2018

Arnoldner C
Trauma to the Temporal Bone
American Austrian Foundation, Weil Cornell Seminar Temporal Bone Surgery, Salzburg, July 16-21, 2018

Arnoldner C, Dahm V
Round table: Unique Approaches to the Skull Base
31st Politzer Society Meeting, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Feb. 20-23, 2018

Arnoldner C, Dahm V, Matula C
Therapie des Vestibularisschwannoms: Ein Update
Salzburger HNO Gespräche 2018, 28. April 2018

Arnoldner C, Dahm V
Simultaneous Acoustic Neuroma Resection and Cochlear Implantation: The Role of E-ABR
Ultimate Colorado Midwinter Meeting, Vail, Colorado, USA, Feb.3-6, 2018

Arnoldner C, Ahmadi N, Honeder C
Steroid Releasing Hydrogels in an Animal Model for Cochlear Implantation: Why and When Ultimate Colorado Midwinter Meeting, Vail, Colorado, USA, Feb.3-6, 2018

Arnoldner C
Round table: Choosing the right middle ear implant
4th Congress of European ORL-HNS Barcelona, October 7-11, 2017

Arnoldner C
Round table: Pediatric Cochlear Implantation
4th Congress of European ORL-HNS Barcelona, October 7-11, 2017

Arnoldner C
Ohrchirurgie: vom äußeren zum inneren Gehörgang
60th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery , Villach, AT, 2106

Arnoldner C
Intratympanalae Glucocorticoidtherapie: Grundlagen und klinische Evidenz
60th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery , Villach, AT, 2016

Arnoldner C
Management des Vestibularisschwannoms
Luzerner HNO Tagung, Lenzerheide, Switzerland, Sept 22-25, 2016

Arnoldner C
Luzerner HNO Tagung, Lenzerheide, Switzerland, Sept 22-25, 2016

Arnoldner C
Hörimplantate: aktuelle Aspekte Luzerner HNO Tagung, Lenzerheide, Switzerland, Sept 22-25, 2016

Arnoldner C
Temporal Bone Fracture-Facial nerve decompression
AO Neuro Skull Base Course, October 17-20 2016, Vienna, Austria

Arnoldner C
Transpetrosal approaches
AO Neuro Skull Base Course, October 17-20 2016, Vienna, Austria

Arnoldner C, Honeder C
Dexamethasone Hydrogels in a Hearing Preservation CI model: Why and when
XV Hearing and Structure Preservation Workshop, October 20-23, Paris, France

Arnoldner C
Round table: Therapie bei akuten und chronischen Innenohr-Funktionsstörungen
61th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery , Vienna, Austria, 2017

Arnoldner C
Round table: Chirurgie der Lateralen Schädelbasis
61th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery , Vienna, Austria, 2017

Arnoldner C
Round table: Angeborene und Erworbene Hörstörungen: Von Alarm bis Observanz!
61th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery , Vienna, Austria, 2017


Dr. Isabella Arnoldner
Altgasse 11, 1130 Wien

Dr. Florian Frisée
Heiligenstädterstr. 46-48, 1190 Wien

OA Dr. Matthias WLK
Franz-Jonas-Pl. 8/1/4, 1210 Wien

Ass.Prof. Dr. Markus Margreiter
Heiligenstädter Straße 46-48, 1190 Wien

AKH Wien

Privatklinik Döbling

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie